"I Plead the Second" 2nd Amendment Decal - Arizona
Sold Out
DON'T KEEP SILENT! Use our sticker to show your support as an armed, law-abiding citizen and potentially create more!
DON'T LET WHAT'S RIGHTFULLY YOURS BE TAKEN AWAY! "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." They've been ours since the beginning, let's keep it that way!
SECURED THE 2ND AMENDMENT THROUGH INFLUENCE AND EXPRESSION! Use this sticker to express the worth of our constitutional rights and to encourage their safety from unconstitutional control!
SPEAK LOUDLY AND EFFECTIVELY! With our low priced stickers, a stronger and bigger community of armed citizens within the nation can be a result of YOUR purchase.
DON'T WAIT A SECOND LONGER! ORDER RIGHT NOW, and when you get it, places it where it can be seen by the masses!